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This Privacy Policy has been prepared by Intermall LLC (hereinafter referred to as "We" or "Intermall") and outlines the general provisions for the protection of personal data. The applicable law for the content of the website and this Privacy Policy is the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Please carefully read our Privacy Policy to understand how We collect, use, and protect your personal data on our website.

1. What information do we collect?

We collect the personal data you provide, such as your name, surname, address, email, and phone number.

The storage and management of your bank card details are handled by the bank that issued the card to you.

2. Why do we collect information?

The collection of personal data is carried out to provide you with the requested products and services and, if necessary, to send information about products and discounts.

3. How do we collect information?

We collect information directly from you in the following ways:

4. How do we protect information?

Our website uses SSL security technology to protect data transmission and ensure the confidentiality of your data. SSL encrypts all your personal data, making it unreadable.

5. Right to delete personal data

The user has the right to request the deletion of their personal data. All provided data will be erased upon receiving and confirming the deletion request.